Bingo isn’t exactly the new kid on the block. It’s been around for at least 500 years, and you may not realise about its cultured origins either. Born out of Renaissance Italy, bingo is nevertheless strictly a game of luck, and it’s impossible to come up with a sure-fire strategy to win.
When you play at, the numbers are picked by a RNG (random number generator). This ensures randomness and as everything’s automated, bingo is fair, but in all honesty, there’s very little skill involved.
But even though you can’t guarantee victory every time with any golden strategies, there are still little things you can do to improve your odds.
How to play
When you’re searching around for online bingo sites, the best advice you can take on board is simply to make absolutely sure that your chosen site is licenced by the UKGC. This will ensure that your money is protected from scams, fraud, and financial problems the site hypothetically suffers.
Shop around astutely, as you would in any walk of life where you’ll be spending your own cash. Most sites will offer freebie games and demos in order to give out tasters of what they offer.
Following the science
It’s a strange fact that although the numbers are called entirely randomly by a computer chip, it’s still more likely to dish out a list of completely random numbers rather than an ordered sequence. Why is this?
Well, British mathematical analyst Joseph E. Granville came up with the theory of “total distribution” which essentially means that there’s very little order in our universe and that when a list of numbers are called out, they’ll be scattered around.
How does this relate to bingo? Simple. The best way of winning is to select an equal distribution of odds and evens, and high and low numbers.
The Tippett Theory
Not to be outdone, another British statistician called L.H.C Tippett also devised an interesting theory about the concept of randomness.
He suggested that the more numbers that are called over time means the more likely those numbers will gravitate towards the median number. If you’re not entirely sure what this means, it suggests that if there are 90 bingo balls in play, choose cards with numbers closer to the number 45.
Don’t take this as scientific fact though. There are no records of Tippett or Granville ever winning a bingo jackpot!
Cover your bases!
Should all else fail, buy more scorecards! It may seem too obvious, but the more scorecards you have, the more numbers you have in front of you. As the RNG calls out the numbers, it’s mathematically more likely that you’ll have what’s being called out right there on your table.
Obviously, there’s no point in spending £75 on scorecards to ensure a win if the jackpot is only £50, but you get the gist.
Maybe the trick is not to take it too seriously. Bingo is to be enjoyed, and the wins taste all the sweeter for it!