If you’re considering getting dental implants, then you should make sure you know exactly what you’re getting into before you commit to going through with the procedure. In addition to cost and recovery time, there are other factors that may not be immediately apparent, including changes in appearance and difficulty eating certain foods that might affect your dental implant procedure effectiveness. Here’s what to know about dental implant procedure if you’re thinking about going through with it.
General overview
Dental implants can replace missing teeth. They look and feel like natural teeth, which makes them a long-lasting option for tooth replacement. The dental implant procedure starts with a bone graft, where bone is taken from another part of your body or from a donor site (cadaver bone). The bone is placed where you want your dental implants to be and allowed time to heal into place before you get your implants put in. During surgery, an opening is created for each dental implant so that it fits in perfectly with your bite. This ensures optimal stability and comfort. Dental implants are made of titanium and often come as cylinder-shaped pieces that screw into place when they’re inserted into gum tissue around your jawbone.
What is included in the dental implant procedure?
The dental implant procedure is meant to replace a missing tooth or teeth. The actual process can vary from one patient to another but usually involves two steps: First, implants are placed into your jawbone and allowed time for healing and integration with your jaw. After waiting for about four months, you’ll go back in for your second appointment where we will attach a crown onto your implants that will serve as an artificial tooth. It might take some time before you get used to your new smile—after all, natural teeth often require a bit of extra time and energy—but rest assured that you’ll look back at pictures of yourself without teeth with regret after receiving implants.
Why are dental implants so popular today?
This is a question of demand and supply. Dentures have always been a popular choice for patients who are missing teeth, but with recent advancements in technology and materials, implants are now better than ever before. Dental implants can improve your quality of life by restoring your ability to eat and smile as you did before tooth loss took its toll. The process of getting a new set of teeth takes time, however, so what can you do in order to maintain good oral health until your treatment begins? Here are some things you should know about dental implants
Where can you have dental implants done?
What’s important to know when getting a new tooth is that you have a lot of options. You can have it done at your dentist, or you can have it done in a surgical clinic. If you do decide to do it in a surgery center, then make sure that they use certified implants and oral surgeons. The surgeon should be accredited by ACICO (the American College of Implantology and Oral Surgery) or AAID (the American Academy of Implant Dentistry). Regardless of where you get it done, whether by your dentist or at an outside facility, here are some things you want to be aware of before deciding on getting one
How long does it take to have a full set of teeth placed using dental implants?
Implants are used in two common types of cases, and it depends on which type you’re dealing with. One, called a single-tooth replacement case, is when you want to replace one missing tooth with an implant. If you want to replace multiple teeth, then it’s what’s called a full-mouth situation. In that case, it can take anywhere from six months to a year or more for your dentist to place all of your implants and give you your new teeth. Note that if you only have one tooth missing, then they’ll need time to heal before getting your permanent crowns placed onto them. Your overall treatment process will be different depending on how many teeth are being replaced and where they’re located.
Commonly asked questions
Are you considering getting a tooth fixed by a dental implant? If so, you’re in luck! Asking questions is one of the best ways to learn more about any new situation or idea—and it can help save you time and money. Here are some common questions that patients ask when they get ready for their surgery: 1. What is a dental implant? In short, an implant is a strong-as-your-own-tooth post that’s surgically placed into your jawbone under your gums. The post then serves as an anchor for replacement teeth or an artificial tooth (called a bridge). 2. How long will my recovery be?c