There is no doubt that the world needs good news. When we see the headlines about wars, famine, and environmental disasters, it is easy to feel hopeless or helpless with all the evil surrounding us. But there is a powerful way to help bring Hope into this dark and difficult time. Jewish Evangelism Ministries were created to bring a light of Hope and joy into our lives! We believe that we can change lives for eternity by sharing the story of Yeshua (Jesus).
The message of the Gospel is simple, yet it has the power to transform and change lives. Through the simple message of Yeshua, we can have Hope for a future filled with joy through Him. There is no other message on earth that can give us this Hope! Jewish Israel Ministries is dedicated to sharing the Biblical Hope through our faith in Yeshua.
The Vision is to see Jewish Men, Women, and Children believe in Yeshua as their Mashiach (Messiah) and live in the light of His Truth.
The Hope
Believing that whether you are Jewish or non-Jewish, you can have the same Hope and joy found in Yeshua. The Hope is to see Jews and non-Jews come to a place where their hearts are broken for how their nation has lived for the last 2,000 years. Israel Ministries hope that Jews and non-Jews alike will see a time shortly when they have a desire to live in peace with those that do not share their faith, or even worse. People will stop hating each other and begin living as one. Through Yeshua, all people have found Hope for themselves, despite what has happened in our past.
The Gospel Message
The message of the Gospel is extremely simple. It is found in just two words: Repent and Believe. Yeshua came to earth 2,000 years ago as the Messiah and fulfilled the role for which he was born. He lived a sinless life, met the requirements of the Law, and died on a cross to take away our sins from us. Then, three days later, he rose from the dead. Death could not keep him in the grave, and hell has no hold over him. That is what it means to believe in the Gospel; if you do this, he will forgive your sins, and you will receive the gift of eternal life!
The Christian church was established many years after Yeshua died for our sins. Yet, Jesus commissioned his followers to spread the message of repentance and belief. The Jewish people were still in the land of Israel at this time, and many references in Scripture speak of people being healed, seeing miracles, and believing. That was an exciting time filled with great miracles and a message you could not ignore. People were coming to faith in Yeshua by the hundreds and thousands!
Today, that excitement is making a comeback. We are seeing people from all over the world coming to faith in Yeshua, and we believe it is time for a great revival among the Jewish people. Before Yeshua returns to earth, there will be a great harvest among the people of Israel, and we want Jewish Evangelism Ministries to be active in reaching them for Christ!
The Jewish nation has been on a roller coaster ride for the last 2,000 years. We have seen many great nations rise and fall and have been a part of it all. The Bible prophecies that the Jewish people would be scattered throughout the earth; to this day, we have seen this come to pass. Not only have we been scattered, but many of our national leaders have used their position to lead Jewish people in rebellion against the God of Israel.
The time has come for the Jewish people of today to see God’s promise fulfilled and to repent and believe in Yeshua (Jesus). If Israel’s creative media ministries stand up and proclaim that he is our Messiah, it can make a difference in a world that desperately needs salvation. The message should not limit to the Jewish people; everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.