Technology has undergone a revolution due to cloud computing over the past few years. With it, tech companies don’t have to invest in hardware or infrastructure anymore. Instead, they can purchase just enough computing resources to run their IT departments instantly on a pay-as-you-go basis. We present to you the Top 20 AWS cloud services for your business in 2022.
The Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform is widely used worldwide, from startups to large businesses. By 2021, AWS revenue from its Public Cloud SaaS will reach 145.5 billion USD, despite having been introduced to the market in 2006. At present, AWS cloud services cover the full spectrum of cloud services, from data storage to analytics. The Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing services enable businesses to achieve increased efficiency and performance through easy, simple, and affordable cloud services. Additionally, these services offer a wide range of options to satisfy the needs of customers.
Here is a list of the most popular top 20 AWS cloud services in 2022. You can read about the features, benefits, and objectives of each AWS service on this blog.
List of the Best 20 AWS Cloud Services for your business in 2022
Amazon VPC
It is an isolated cloud resource known as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. Resources, connectivity, and security are controlled within the virtual networking environment. You can also manage compatible VPC networks across both AWS resources in the cloud and on-premises resources. It applies rules for inbound and outbound connections to improve security. It also monitors VPC flow logs delivered to Amazon S3 and Amazon Cloudwatch to gain visibility into traffic patterns and network dependencies. Additionally, Amazon VPC prevents data leakage, detects anomalies in patterns, and troubleshoots network connectivity problems.
Amazon Lex
The system provides both text-based and voice-based conversational interfaces. This service is suitable for you if you use apps similar to Alexa’s deep learning. Amazon Lex gives you the ability to create, test, and deploy chatbots to communicate with your clients. Each user receives a tailored response. ASR and NLU are two types of natural language understanding.
Using deep learning algorithms, the system creates meaningful and sophisticated interactions. Simple to use, the console scales automatically.
Amazon SNS
It is the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). Applications to Applications (A2A) and Individuals to Individuals (A2P) communicate using this application. Distributed systems, microservices, and event-driven serverless applications benefit from many-to-many messaging using A2P. A2P also supports sending messages to many users via mail, SMS, etc. The API allows you to send up to ten messages at once. Subscriptions will receive content that appeals to them if filtering systems are effective. Furthermore, Amazon SNS delivers messages efficiently and reliably in conjunction with Amazon SQS.
Amazon S3
The Amazon S3 is a triple-redundant, scalable data storage, which means your data is stored in three data centres in the region. This will protect your data from errors, failures, and threats. This system can save you a great deal of money. AWS consulting caters to companies of any size, no matter size. As well as managing your data, you can classify and report on it at any time.
You can easily back up and restore your data with its simple data transfer capabilities. Because of the three reference data centres, you enjoy low latency, scalability, high-performance, and easy-to-use management features.
Amazon Lambda
Amazon Lambda is a serverless and event-driven computing AWS service. It allows you to run codes automatically without having to worry about servers or clusters. You do not have to worry about provisioning or managing infrastructure when uploading codes. As a result, ‘code execution requests’ are automatically accepted by this service, regardless of its scale. AWS Lambda makes cost-control effective because you only pay for computed time.
Amazon RDS
The next discussion in this series would relate to Amazon RDS. The Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) offers managed databases for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MariaDB. The software simplifies the setup, operation, and scaling of relational databases in the cloud. Additionally, it performs high performance by automating hardware provisioning, database setup, patching, and backups. RDS doesn’t require you to install or maintain any database software. Embracing this service will allow you to save on costs while improving the availability, security, and compatibility of your resources.
Amazon ELB
ELB distributes the load automatically between different instances, so it can handle several data sets simultaneously. As a result, it can handle large amounts of incoming traffic with ease. Users have access to application load balancers, network load balancers, and classic load balancers. Traffic is only sent to healthy targets this way.
Amazon EC2
AWS EC2 provides virtual machines, port and security management, and storage management. The system contains many pre-configured instance templates that can be customized as required. You can easily scale up and down the system, and it is easy to integrate with other services. You only pay for it when you use it. So it is cheap because you pay hourly.
Amazon DynamoDB
A serverless solution ensures the storage, processing, and access of data and enables scale-driven applications to run seamlessly. The document and key-value storage models make it ideal for gaming, mobile apps, and ad tech. It has very low-latency data access at any scale and is a fully managed in-memory cache.
Amazon Redshift
This is a scalable, fast, and cost-effective way to store large amounts of data. A more secure, easier, and faster way to learn about cloud data warehousing. So, it can analyze all types of data, including those in operational databases, data lakes, data warehouses, and third-party data. The Amazon Redshift cloud database allows you to analyze large volumes of data and run complex analytical queries. This service offers the best price-performance combination due to its automation capabilities.
AWS Aurora
The next AWS service in demand is Amazon Aurora. MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility makes it a fast relational database. A standard MySQL database is five times slower than this one. It allows for automating tasks such as provisioning of hardware, installing databases, and backing them up. This system scales automatically as required, due to its fault-tolerant, self-healing nature. Moreover, you can significantly reduce costs and improve the reliability, availability, and security of databases.
Amazon CloudFront
CloudFront is another reputable Amazon Web Service. Using this AWS service, you can deliver content globally with high performance and security. Generally, it delivers data at high speeds with low latency. Intelligent routing mechanisms and automated network mapping ensure the successful delivery of content to destinations. Access controls and traffic encryption methods enhance data security. It also comes equipped with a data compression engine, edge computing capabilities, and field-level encryption, which can transfer data within milliseconds. You can also stream high-quality video using Amazon CloudFront quickly and consistently to any device using AWS cloud services.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
This AWS service allows you to manage and run web applications. Elastic Beanstalk allows for the easy deployment of applications from capacity provisioning, load balancing, and auto-scaling to application health monitoring. This service makes it easy to scale based on business needs thanks to its auto-scaling capabilities. It allows you to manage workloads and traffic peaks at minimum costs. The Amazon Elastic Beanstalk tool simplifies the management of servers, load balancers, firewalls, and networks. Consequently, this service allows developers to concentrate more on coding.
Amazon ElastiCache
AWS ElastiCache provides fully-managed, flexible, in-memory caching. Your applications and database will perform better with this tool. By caching data in memory, this service reduces the load on databases. It offers high speed, low latency, and high throughput by accessing data from in-memory. Self-managed cache services reduce your business’s operational costs and eliminate operations overhead.
Amazon EBS
The Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) is a service for storing blocks of data. It works well with high-performance workloads like SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft. It also provides 99.999% failure protection. Big data analytics engines such as Hadoop and Spark can benefit from resizing clusters. It also offers storage volume building, performance optimization, and cost reduction capabilities. The lifecycle management of Amazon EBS helps create and manage backups efficiently.
It provides secure access to AWS’s applications and resources through its Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. You can achieve fine-grained access control on your resources using roles and access policies. Using AWS IAM access analyzer, you can set, verify, and refine permissions. The attribute-based access control of AWS Cloud Services IAM also enables fine-grained permissions based on user attributes, for example, department, job role, team, etc.
Amazon SQS
SQS is Amazon’s fully-managed message queuing service. Two types of messaging services exist SQS Standard and SQS FIFO. SQS Standard offers maximum throughput, best-effort ordering, and quick delivery. An SQS FIFO message is processed once in the order it was sent. Furthermore, Amazon SQS can decouple or scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. You can send, receive, and manage large volumes of messages with it. It also eliminates the need to install and maintain other messaging software, which reduces costs significantly. This service also scales quickly and automatically.
AWS Firewall Manager
This service manages firewall rules centrally. A firewall manager allows you to manage firewall rules across all applications and accounts. Therefore, managing new applications over time is easier with common security rules. A one-time solution to create and implement firewall rules and security policies consistently across the infrastructure. You can audit VPC security groups for compliance requirements using AWS firewall manager.
Amazon Route 53
Domain Name Service (DNS) is a scalable cloud service. It supports Amazon EC2, elastic load balancers, Amazon S3 buckets, and even external services. Routing 53 application recovery controllers help to monitor DNS health checks in this service and ensure that systems can recover after failures. Using methods such as latency-based routing, Geo DNS, and Geoproximity, Route 53 traffic flow helps manage traffic worldwide.
AWS Cloud Formation
AWS uses templates to create and manage resources. This platform manages all AWS accounts worldwide. Using AWS integration, it automates resource management and offers turnkey application distribution. In addition, AWS Cloud Formation provides continuous integration and delivery of infrastructure by automating, testing, and deploying it. You can also run complex multi-region applications right from AWS EC2
Businesses who want to improve agility, continuously innovate, and migrate to the cloud will find Amazon Web Services invaluable. Any business with any specific goal can benefit from the broad range of services AWS offers. In addition to reducing infrastructure management and hardware investment costs, AWS services help reduce time-to-value significantly. It is exactly what companies use that they pay for.
What made you decide to migrate your business to AWS? Lacking in-house cloud expertise?
As an AWS cloud service provider, Supportfly helps you manage your complex AWS environment and mix the specific combination of AWS services that best suits your business needs. Feel free to contact us if you need assistance with AWS.