These Safety Tips Will Help You Stay Safe in Your Tree Stand
From a high position in the woods, many hunters enjoy seeing wildlife for the first time. Tree stands may provide spectacular vistas and unobstructed sightlines, but they can also pose a major threat to people’s lives.
In fact, according to statistics, one in every three hunters who chose to hunt from a tree stand will be injured throughout the course of their hunt. Falling from these heights may result in significant damage or even death in the majority of situations.
That’s why we’ve included a list of safety precautions to bear in mind while you’re out hunting from an elevated tree stand.
1. Inform someone of your plans, including where you’re going and when you’ll return home
Always inform your family, hunting mates, or close friends of your plans, including where you’re going and when you expect to return home. In the event that anything occurs, they will know precisely where to look for you.
2. Always make use of a harness
The single most effective method of preventing a tree stand from falling is to use a harness. However, be certain that you put the harness on before going up to your stand. If you fall more than 12 inches, the safety strap that ties your harness to the tree should catch you and prevent you from falling farther.
3.Never climb with a firearm in your possession
It is possible to have a tragic mishap when climbing with a pistol. Check to see whether you have a haul rope to use to lift your equipment up after you’ve secured yourself in the tree stand. This means that the pistol should be emptied and the safety turned on.
4. Understand how to assemble your tree stand to the letter
Follow the instructions to the letter and get familiar with the process of assembling your tree stand. Because even the tiniest mistake might result in catastrophic damage while utilizing climbing tree stands, this is very critical when using these devices.
5. Don’t fall asleep at your booth
No one can argue with the fact that the majority of hunters spend many hours seated in their tree stands without sighting anything. Some people may believe it’s a perfect time to take a short nap, but you might find yourself sucked into something more than simply a snooze.
6. Put on Boots That Have Good Grip
Having good traction is incredibly vital while you’re ascending, standing, and descending the tree stand ladder. Purchase boots with strong traction so that you don’t slip and fall.
7.When hanging tree stands, work in groups of two or three people
Remember to hunt with a partner if you’re hunting on your own property or if you have the ability to set up a tree stand before opening day. Being accompanied by a second person guarantees that you have an additional set of helpful hands and someone to aid you if anything goes wrong.
8.When climbing, maintain three points of contact at all times
Climbing up to or down from a tree stand accounts for over 75% of all tree stand-related fatalities and injuries. When ascending a ladder, it is critical to maintain three points of contact with your hands and feet on the ladder at all times.
9. Make a contingency plan in case you fall
It’s critical to have a strategy in place in case you fall from your tree stand after your harness has caught you. It is critical to act promptly because the longer you are strapped to the harness, the more difficult it will be to climb back to your tree stand.
10. Don’t forget to bring a whistle and your cell phone
While a harness might save you from coming into contact with the ground, it can still result in harm if you’re left dangling from your tree stand for an extended period of time. Remember to have a whistle or a mobile phone with you at all times in case you need to call for assistance.